To comply with the Vaiden Baptist Church (VBC) Constitution’s two weeks’ notice requirement, the vote for VBC Pastor has been changed to: 
Sunday,  July 14, 2024.
The meet/greet and Q/A fellowship is still scheduled for:
 6:00PM, Saturday, July 6, 2024.
The trial sermon is still scheduled for: 
Sunday, July 7, 2024.

The VBC Constitution requires the following:

  • Pastor vote (aka: election) shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, two weeks after church notification (VBC Constitution, page 7, lines 23-25)
    • The Pastor Search Committee notified the church Sunday, June 30, 2024
    • A special business meeting will take place after the July 14, 2024, morning service
  • Every member of the church sixteen (16) years and older is entitled to vote at all elections and on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided the member is present (VBC Constitution, page 4, lines 19-21)
  • Vote (aka: election) shall be by secret ballot
  • An affirmative vote by 85% of the voting members present and voting will require to elect a pastor (VBC Constitution, page 7, lines 48-49)

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