Sunday School

We invite you to come and join with us here at Vaiden Baptist Church. Why? Sunday School provides an opportunity to meet new people, renew old acquaintances, develop relationships with fellow Christians, and grow one’s relationship with God and Jesus Christ. The study of God’s word and fellowship one with another in a small group setting allows people to love each other, care for each other, and most assuredly pray for each other.

Growing disciples is a primary mission of Sunday School here at Vaiden Baptist. Classes have been created around age appropriateness so that one’s discipleship development grows as the class participant grows in spiritual maturity. Disciples growing disciples can be best achieved through fellowship, prayer, sharing, and teaching.

It is our desire that you will leave your respective class each week encouraged and challenged in your walk with Jesus Christ.

Here at Vaiden Baptist Church, Sunday School for Children, Youth, and Adults begins at 9:45 a.m. and ends at 10:45 in time for morning worship service. Infant and toddler care is provided during the Sunday School hour.

VBC Sunday School Classes




    Youth I (Grades 7 – 8)
    College & Career
    Pre K – K
    Youth II (Grades 9 – 12)
    Adult I – Sandy Wright (Pairs & Spares)
    Children I (Grades 1 – 3)
    Adult II
    Children II (Grades 4 – 6)
    Adult III ( Women)
    Larry Ingram (Men)
    McWorter (Sr. Adults)
    The Round Table (Young Adults)